Date of birth: 26 October 1954
Primary and secondary school in Luxembourg; Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Balliol College, Oxford - UK; International Relations at School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C. - USA; Degrees: BA, MA Oxon, MA SAIS)
1972-73: Initiation to Sculpture at W.H.Taft High School, Los Angeles
1973-75: Evening classes in sculpture, plaster and concrete casting
at Luxembourg College of Arts and Crafts
1975: Private tutorials with Mr. Lucien Wercollier (Luxembourg's most famous
"Le Veilleur" (The Watchman), Lycée technique Michel Lucius, Luxembourg-City
(L), 1979
"Arc/Deux Personnes" (Arch/Two People), Therapy Centre, Useldange (L),
"Pietà", Town Hall of Hespérange (L), 1993
"Monument aux Morts" (Cenotaph), Niederanven (L), 1995
"Sérénité" (Serenity), Integrated Centre for the Elderly, Niederanven
(L), 1998
"Doncolser Wollef", Niederanven (L), 2007
“Icarus”, Holywell Manor, Balliol College, Oxford (UK), 2009
“Spring”, Violette Szabò GC Museum, Wormelow (UK), 2011
"Encounter", Pintsch (L), 2017
Parish of Hespérange (L)
Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs (L)
"Prix de la Critique" and "Prix du Républicain Lorrain" at the VIIIth
Biannual for Young Painters and Sculptors, Esch-sur-Alzette (L)
"Prix du Luxemburger Wort" at the IXth Biannual for Young Painters
and Sculptors, Esch-sur-Alzette (L)
"Silver medal" of the French "société académique" "ARTS - SCIENCES - LETTRES"
"Art au Luxembourg", published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1991
"Anthologie des Arts au Luxembourg", published by Editions Emile Borschette,
"Wer ist wer in Luxemburg" published by Roger Bour, 2000
"Signatures - artistes plasticiens au Luxembourg" published by Editions
Saint-Paul, 2001
"Confronti attuale dell'imagine - Aktuelle Bildvergleiche" published
by Bertrand Kass and Antonio Battaglia, 2002
"Galerie Bertrand Kass 2002-2004" published by Bertrand Kass, 2004
"Galerie Bertrand Kass 2006-2007" published by Bertrand Kass, 2007
"Galerie Bertrand Kass 2008-2010" published by Bertrand Kass, 2010
"Une oeuvre en cours / Portrait de l’artiste-sculpteur raymond j-m petit"
published by Gilbert Rischette, 2007
"Une oeuvre en cours II / Portrait de l’artiste-sculpteur raymond j-m petit" published by Raymond Petit, 2022